Petroleum Distillation
B/R Instrument offers a variety of equipment for Petroleum Distillation including:
- ASTM D1160 Vacuum Distillation
- Crude Oil Distillation ASTM D2892 and ASTM D5236
- Fractional Distillation of Petroleum (1 to 50 liters)
- Mini Fractional Distillation of Petroleum (100 to 1000 ml)
- Micro Fractional Distillation of Petroleum (10 to100 ml)

The D1160 Vacuum Distillation System for distillation of samples according to ASTM D1160. Fully automatic, semi-automatic and manually operated models are available. D-1160 is used for the vacuum distillation of residues, lubricating oils, dieslel fuel, biodiesel and many other types of samples. This vacuum distillation apparatus is easy to use. Models available to fit any budget.

The 9600 Fractional Vacuum Distillation System is a unique fractional vacuum distillation system for samples in the 1 to 500 liter range We offer spinning band and packed columns which give excellent separation and through put for all types of samples that must be distilled under vacuum. The optional PC control fully automates the collection of fractions and control of distillation parameters such as reflux ratio and vacuum level.

The 36-100 Mini Fractional Vacuum Distillation System is a unique small scale vacuum distillation system for samples below 1 liter in size. The high efficiency spinning band can produce very sharp fractions on samples as small as 50 ml. The optional PC control fully automates the collection of fractions and control of distillation parameters such as reflux ratio and vacuum level.

The 800 Micro Fractional Vacuum Distillation System is a unique micro scale vacuum distillation system for samples below 100 ml in size. The high efficiency spinning band can produce very sharp fractions on samples as small as 10 ml. The optional PC control fully automates the collection of fractions and control of distillation parameters such as reflux ratio and vacuum level.

Crude Oil Distillation Systems according to ASTM D2892 and ASTM D5236. Fully Automatic, Semi-Automatic and Manually Operated systems are available. Distill crude oil according to ASTM methods and get a true boiling point curve and fractions. These systems are easy to use. Models are available to fit any budget.